September 2019
We loaded up my old aircooled BMW and hit the road for Lesotho, en route we stopped off in the Drakensberg for some hiking before leaving our bakkie parked in the Underberg.
From there we set off up Sani Pass and into the heart of the mountain kingdom, traversing West towards Semonkong and finally out the Qachas Nek border post.
September is the spring season and we were greeted by dry and dusty conditions, with blustering wind at times.

We made it up the challenging Sani Pass

Tucked in for the night at Molumong lodge. With limited facilities we ended up sleeping on the floor in the lounge.

Binyani, our host at the Molumong lodge

Once a prosperous supply point for passing travellers and locals. The lodge had it’s own mill, community hall, general dealer and wool merchant to service the surrounding communities.

Crossing the Orange River

Camping on the banks of the Maletsunyane River

We traded in the bike for our trail shoes and headed off into the hills on an overnight trek bound for a remote village, utilising a pack horse to haul our gear.

Lunch stop along the trek

Mokete, our trusty guide and companion

Our home for the night, with the local chief and his wife Matefo.

The chief’s daughter T’sabelo, couldn’t resist Storm’s kindle and any chance to hang out

The Ketane falls

The end of the road for us, only 2 hours from the end point we broke down and after managing to fix half the problem, we had to give in and call for backup to collect us.

Bedford farm, with our friends Roxy and Dayle. Not a bad place to end the trip!